Making Moves helps families move from under-resourced areas to designated Well-Resourced Areas (aka Opportunity Areas or WRAs) in Tompkins County.
This search tool below lets you look up an address to see if it is in a WRA and gives an estimated range of affordable rents for a family with a Housing Choice Voucher.
Follow these quick steps to search an address:
Step 1: If you have a voucher with IHA, change the organization selection to Ithaca Housing Authority.
Step 2: Enter the unit address (city and ZIP are optional)
Step 3: Enter the number of bedrooms in the unit and the number of bedrooms on your voucher (property owners can enter the unit bedrooms in both these boxes)
Step 4: Click “Submit” and read the results
If a blue box that says “Opportunity” appears on the right, the unit is in a Well-Resourced Area and is eligible for full program benefits.
A second box will show a range of affordable rents. This range accounts for contract rent including different utilities. If the tenant is responsible for all utilities (e.g., water, sewer, NYSEG, garbage disposal), an affordable rent will likely be on the lower end of this scale. If some utilities are included in the rent, then a number at the higher end of the scale may be affordable.