Housing Services strives to meet the housing needs of our fellow community members with programs that focus on safe, affordable, and appropriate housing for all. We offer both rental assistance programs and supportive housing programs.
Our Rental Assistance programs provide rental subsidies to income-eligible households in Tompkins County. The programs include the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Tenant-based Rental Assistance Program.
Our Supportive Housing Programs serve the most vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness. As a member of the Tompkins County Continuum of Care, we offer permanent housing options using a Housing First philosophy.
Click on the program name for a full description.
Our housing programs are made possible, in part, with the support of our community partners: The Human Service Coalition of Tompkins County, Tompkins County Department of Social Services, Saint John’s Community Services, Legal Assistance of Western New York, The Advocacy Center, Catholic Charities of Tioga/Tompkins, REACH Medical, the Learning Web, Village at Ithaca & The Vecino Group.